

Anthony has a tremendous capacity for empathy and compassion. Where most people would be triggered by the annoying behaviour of a person who is “too much,” Anthony uses the tools of nonviolent communication to relate to the person, understand his or her experience, and try to  meet their underlying needs. Anthony also uses his knowledge of “A Course In Miracles” and his powerful intellect to try to heal the world, one person at a time. 


Anthony is a patient teacher who is committed to making the world a better place. By regularly attending his practice group, I have learned that I can connect with others just by trying to hear the feelings and needs behind their words. I don’t have to get it right for someone to feel seen and heard. 


Anthony is a skilled teacher and coach in nonviolent communications and empathy. I feel safe to be my authentic self in his coaching group because of the care and trust that Anthony cultivates. I am experiencing deeper connections in my relationships as I become more self aware and empathic. I am grateful for Anthony! 


NVC practice reminds me to listen and respond to people's needs, rather than debate whether I agree with their strategies for achieving happiness.  People are more likely to welcome you into their solution space and let you collaborate with them on creating solutions, only when they are confident that you understand their needs and pain points.  Regular NVC practice is helpful for developing the listening skills necessary for forming and maintaining strong bonds with people that you want to collaborate with or care for.


Anthony has taught me to connect with others using the language of compassion and gratitude. I am learning to connect from the heart and with freedom with Anthony as my guide.